Sumitomo Corporation Group has stated in the preamble to its management philosophy - ”We aim to be a global organization that constantly stays a step ahead in dealing with change, creates new value, and contributes broadly to society.” - to indicate the corporate image it is aiming for and subsequently adopted the corporate mission - “To achieve prosperity and realize dreams through sound business activities” - and the business policy - “To place prime importance on integrity and sound management with utmost respect for the individual.”

To our company, CSR means to hold fast to the business policy adopted in the management philosophy, to administer responsible business and to implement the corporate mission in order to realize the corporate image we should aim for. Namely, it implies the implementation of the management philosophy through the healthy business activities and the daily activities of each employee that is based on high aspirations and noble sense of ethics

Initiatives for the Environment

1.Environmental Topic

  1. As a member corporation in the Sumitomo Corporation Group, we have obtained the ISO14001 certification in our multi-site method in July 2002, took actions to expand the environmental business through the business activities such as the environment related machinery, and at the same time, made efforts to conserve energy and reduce waste material in our offices.
    Registration Date   July 12, 2002
    Expiry Date      March 7, 2022
  2. 2. Environmental Policy Click for details

Environment Management System Certificate of Registration Click for details


Sumitomo Corporation Power & Mobility has set out the steps to help ensure Sumitomo Corporation Group Compliance Policy.

The basis for the Sumitomo Corporation Group's compliance is to win the trust of society by practicing the Activity Guideline that states "to comply with laws and regulations while maintaining the highest ethical standards."

Accordingly, we follow our principles of "Giving First Priority to Compliance," which means compliance takes priority over all activities of the Group and that we must never violate compliance as a result of giving priority to the pursuit of profit, and "Reporting Compliance Issues Immediately," which means, in the event of a compliance problem, employees must report the situation without delay to their line manager or to the relevant department of the Corporate Group.

Sumitomo Corporation Group Compliance Policy

The Statement for the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

Sumitomo Corporation Power & Mobility Co., Ltd. (SCPM) published a statement which had been approved by the board of directors of SCPM, in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in SCPM’s business or supply chains

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Fiscal Year 2022Click for details